Monday, August 30, 2010

Just a thought... I went grocery shopping. Walking through the well known aisles: fruit and vegetable section, meat and fish, dairy, and getting my regular so called must-have-set. Then I find this mashed pumpkin in a can. Well, I know it's for pumpkin pie but so what...not planning to bake. Then I get home and realize...I have no can opener!...nice... That's the point where I got that thought: there are some cans that have that tiny thing on the cover that makes opening so much easier. Why there are still some cans that do not have it? Wouldn't that be so much easier? We would not need can openers any more that take space in our kitchen drawers...simple huh. But maybe...that's the reason. We would't need them any more, we wouldn't buy them any more. Too bad for those who make and sell them? A conspiracy between those who make cans and those who make the openers...hahahaaa was just something that made me to have this conversation with myself. I solved the problem with a kitchen knife. Nope...I'm not gonna buy a can opener.