One day in my creativity class we were talking about "it's not what it's about" concept and how important it is in creating a successful ad. So I have my own interpretation of that concept. See if you understand what I am talking about here. The story might seem not making sense at all but's not what it's about...
Sugar - most women love sugar. Well...there are some men out there who like it too. But usually they don't want to admit it. They try to hide it. Some of them are brave enough to say it in public that they like sweets. Usually white sugar is preferred. People say it's more universal: it's good for everything. You can't use brown sugar everywhere. Its flavor is too specific and strong. I grew up with the white sugar. I didn't really know much about the brown sugar before coming to US where it is pretty common...more common than back home. mum says we should stick to what we are familiar with. She doesn't really like brown sugar even though she says she has nothing against it. Well...i have a different I switched my regular sugar diet to brown sugar diet :) . Once I tried brown sugar I don't want to go back to the regular sugar anymore. It has so much more flavor. It's almost that its flavor has a character...strong and distinctive...bitter sweet sometimes but never boring. Will I ever switch back to my old diet...that can happen. I might just get tired of brown sugar and return to my universal sweetness. Oh my mum would be happy. However one moment I felt that I had life was turning too sweet...almost cloying...bitter sweet. I decided I'm done with sugar for a while and went to that sugar free diet. I got rid of all the brown sugar in my kitchen, small sugar packages-to-go in my back pack, candies in my purse. I was done with it! It felt sooo refreshing and freeing. But not for a long time: in a week or two I felt I need something sweet. Since I threw away all the old sugar I went to the store and bought a new one... Actually I bought several brown sugar packages of different brands to see which one is the best. A couple of them I tried I didn't like so I put them aside right in the beginning. I didn't even have to taste it because the smell was bad enough to repel me away.
That was the story...I hope I won't get in trouble for that :)
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